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分类: ppt课件 英语

发布: 2020-03-01 10:24:59

更新: 2020-03-01 10:24:59

版本: 人教版 + 四年级上册


《Unit2 My schoolbag》第一课时PPT课件

Let's chant

Where,where, where is your pencil?  

In the box, in the box.

Where,where, where is your box ?  

On the chair, on the chair.

Where,where, where is your chair?  

Under the desk, under the desk.

Where,where, where is your desk?  

Near the door, near the door.


A.English book B. maths book 

C.Chinese book D.storybook

Ⅱ.从in, an, put, your, under中选词填空,每空一词

(1) What is under your schoolbag ?

(2) Put your eraser in your pencil box.

(3) I have an English bool.

(4) where is your maths book?

关键词:人教版PEP四年级英语上册Unit2课件,新人教版四年级上册英语PPT课件,四年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Unit2 My schoolbag》第一课时PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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《Where's my schoolbag?》MP3音频课件:

本课件属于人教新目标版七年级上册英语unit4《Where's my schoolbag?》的教学素材MP3音频课件,课件贴合课文内容,可与本课PPT课件匹配,敬请下载! 关键词:《Where's my schoolbag?..

《Where's my schoolbag?》PPT课件16:

《Where's my schoolbag?》PPT课件16 一、单项选择。 1.Where is the tape player?Is ______ on the desk? A.it B.that C.this D.they 2.Look!Tom,your books are ______..

《Where's my schoolbag?》PPT课件15:

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分类标签: my_schoolbagppt